School is out! It is officially summer here.
Can't think of a better time for
Kara to offer up a class that sounds amazing. I've been wanting to get started on another summer album, I had so much fun doing mine
last year.
I love summer. I do adore fall and moments of winter and spring is always a season to be celebrated when it finally arrives. I like spring because it brings summer. And I always, always need summer.
I need those summer nights of thinking and renewing. I need the heat to boil away the grime of the winter and of my mind. I need random adventures with my friends and family.
Most of all, I need to digest all of it. With summer always comes a certain level of laziness. Though I tend to have more time to devote to making things and recording my summer, I rarely take advantage of it. That is why I am so pleased to bring my you my next class, Summer of Love. Follow along on an adventurous two weeks of art journaling and photography. I’m especially excited to show you the magic of the night through your camera lens. We’ll be learning night photography techniques and great photo prompts to record your summer through the day. Step by step instructions to create a mini album from vintage books and plenty of journaling prompts. All the details for the class are

The class includes 30 journaling prompts, 18 photography prompts and techniques, daily art journaling techniques, mini-book cover and page tutorial, 2 printable embellishment pages, 2 videos, email access to instructor, and featured artwork and photography from
Michelle Clement and
Danielle Thompson.

**To top it off, Kara is kind enough to give away one lucky winner a spot in the class! Thanks so much, Kara. To be entered in the drawing, please leave a comment here by midnight (CST) on Wednesday, June 16th and let me know what you are most looking forward to this summer and your email so I can reach you if you win.**